Thursday, January 25, 2007


So, we took last weekend off, which I will be quite honest, was awesome. I think we all might have needed a break to recharge our batteries a bit.

We dont necessarily have THAT much left to shoot for the movie. There is a small scene in Chinatown, Badis house, and we are reshooting a Crime Investigation scene because what we shot isn't the best it could be.

Other than those, we obviously have the ending to shoot. The ending of the movie is going to be a HUGE undertaking for us. We are waiting for word about the possible warehouse/building we may have to work in. If we get it, its going to take so much pressure off of all of us, and we will know we are coming in on the home stretch for the movie. The ending sequence is a good chunk of the movie, as everybody knows we are attempting to have one of those amazing (or as amazing as we can do with no money) gun fights with buckets of blood, and a body count full of gruesome deaths. Hopefully, we will be able to bang that out in a few weeks once the location is secured.

Other than that, we have small shit, like establishing shots and things like that to get, which wont take very long, but we have procrastinated in getting because of that reason. It is all mostly little connecting footage and things like that, which in theory we could get on any given day, with the right people around.

So the hope is still that the movie will be all set for a spring release. Once "principal photography" (to try and sound professionaly) is finished, I will finish editing the movie, while Tommy and John work on the score and music, which I've heard some stuff and I think its pretty cool. Either way, it is coming along, I just wish we had a budget and a legitimate shooting schedule from the get go so we could have finished already. Those are the breaks when you're doing your first movie with no budget, and a guerrilla mindset.

Look for movie posters, stickers, and all that other promotional shit to pop up at some point too. Once we do our photo shoot, all bets are off and the hype machine will be in first gear.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

myspace and other shit

Go to and add us as a friend.

RapMaster Reese also has a page. Trying to get some silly promotional stuff going for the movie, so in theory we are all going to have myspace pages for our characters.

Also, we've begun the shitty process of reshoots for certain scenes. Sometimes things either dont look great, the sound sucks, or it just wont edit together well so you have to go back and start from scratch. While the process isnt fun, its a necessary part of the movie making ordeal we got going. Too bad it finally bit us in the ass that winter weather is actually here. We will be freezing our nuts off from now on. Bogus

Sunday, January 14, 2007


So last night, we had our police station shoot. We did a bunch of different things, including the big interrogation scene. I think everything went pretty good, and it was a pretty fun time being in a professional office building, acting like jackasses. Anyhow, I know it is usually just me being paranoid because I don't want to miss anything when we are shooting, but I always get concerned that we missed something. I will find out in a little while when I put all the footage on the computer, but I am pretty sure it will be alright.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

here's another. . . I'm bored

Lawson is my Muse

Hi! I was playing around with a program called Comic Life and made what I think are some pretty fun pictures. These aren't official posters or anything like that, but hopefully you get a laugh or two.

Thanks for checking us out! Lawson will always fight the good fight!


Monday, January 08, 2007


While vactioning in Colorado, Kyle sent this in from the road.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Update from Barry

While we are still on the hunt for our warehouse for the finale, and preparing to shoot the last couple of smaller scenes, I have been messing around with the footage we already have for the movie. There are over ten tapes so far of raw footage, and I have been browsing through, and editing what I can for the movie. So far, minus the music, and a couple of minute details or extra cover shots we need, there are three scenes to the movie officially finished.

For these three scenes, the running time is just over 11 minutes, and in those 11 minutes, I believe there are 24 instances of the word fuck, but I might be wrong and the number might actually be in the 30s. I dont want to go check again, but needless to say, its a lot. What is great about it is the fact that 99 percent of them are all from "Chief Coffeestache"

Anyhow, I just started working on another 2 scenes that I hope to have rough versions of this weekend. To say that they are coming out good is an understatement.

I am not going to lie or sugar coat anything, because when we started shooting the movie, I think we were all sort of hesitant to think about how good or how bad the movie might turn out. After putting those scenes together, seeing the other raw footage, and making additions to the script, I can honestly say we've got a pretty entertaining, decently made actual movie. No more four minute skits with "in camera editing", this is the real deal, or as real as you can get with a crew consisting of under ten people as the main players, and absolutely no money what so ever.

Whats great too is that people are aware we are making a movie, and might not know what to expect as far as quality, look, style etc. etc. So in all honestly, I am even more excited at the prospect of premiering the movie knowing of at least 1 person who has told me they arent expecting much. So I cant wait to show it and find out what he thinks when its done. Its going to be so good.

Also, I saw the gun shots John worked on in after effects for the trailer, and it looks pretty damn sexy. I hope to get him the trailer footage this weekend so he can put em up on there and we can debut the newly improved, official teaser.

Thanks for reading, and please tell your friends, family, pets, or anyone or anything who might be interested in the progress of a small group of friends busting our asses for the fun of it all.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bloopers part 2!

This is for Abdi, who has been wanting new bloopers forever.