Friday, March 30, 2007

The Waiting Game

Being at the mercy of others, when you're so excited, and so close to being finished with something completely sucks. We are patiently waiting to get into the ware house, so we can get the finale finished(which if all goes as planned is going to be pretty friggen good).

We are looking for a new lead female so we can shoot the House scene, reshoot the scene with the Mustang, and a couple of other important scenes.

Next Saturday, hopefully we will finally be able to get our Chinatown shoot done, and once we get POLICE T-shirts, and I round up the extras, we can reshoot the Crime Scene. I take responsibility for that not being done yet, but I need to make sure we have enough people, and enough clothing for them to wear.

This making movies shit, without a budget, without a legitimate shooting schedule, and without a crew (outside of us), is incredibly hard. Hopefully our next project to be determined after this, goes a lot smoother.

There WILL BE a sequel to this no doubt, but I don't think it will be the next thing we work on, as taking a break from the Lawson world will do us all a lot of good, even if it is just a few shorts things to work on in between while the story is fleshed out.

For those still waiting however, be patient, White Heat will be worth the wait, and there are plenty of ideas we have for screening the movie and promoting it, so bear with us as the tedious process of making the damn thing hopefully comes to an end shortly.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

well then

We had a great meeting this week, where Tommy laid out his vision for a bunch of stunts and gags during the climax of the movie. We spent 2-3 hours figuring out the floorplan and got a rough idea of how many props and extras we will need.

In the past couple weeks we've had some fairly annoying setbacks, including cancelling full scene shoot that had been scheduled two weeks in advance. Then we had plans to get some outdoor covereage this past weekend, and a backup plan for other stuff to do in the snow if it snowed. Of course it snowed then sleeted then rained eliminating any sort of shooting.

We were able to get a bunch of random linking footage done, some inserts and general b-roll; so this month hasn't been a total wash. (Barry has been editing the footage together as we've been working, so we generally know if things worked in a scene or if we forgot anything within a couple weeks of shooting)

Scheduling can be such a pain, but really all that stands between us and finishing filming is organizing a couple more chunks of time and money. If anyone out there would like to contribute either their time to be an extra in the three remaining major scenes or give us some cash to buy a few remaining supplies, feel free to send an email to, (we do take bags of cash with dollar signs on them, celebrity cameos are welcome and product placement is negotiable)

and as always, join the facebook club
and become lawson's friend on myspace
thanks for waiting, we'll be done uhm,
probably before the new gnr cd comes out.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


So, we had a pretty important scene planned for last night. One we've been waiting to do for probably two months, but due to schedules and location concerns, we were unable to get it done. So, Koziol, myself, Abdi, and some extras were all set and ready to do the scene, but the girl in the scene never got back in touch after numerous tries. It is yet another wrench in the plans and of course a minor set back in the grand scheme of things, but I, like everybody else, just wants to get this damn movie finished and finally show it to everybody we've been telling about it.

The positive note is that the weather is nice out today for the first time in a while, so we will be able to do some out door stuff today and see how that goes.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

SOB Coffestache