Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Vigilante

There is a sketch comedy contest on youtube coming up (deadline to submit for round 1 is today), and we decided we'd whip a quick thing together. There is a 3 minute time limit, and all videos will be judged and then POSSIBLY entered into the contest. IF we wind up making it, make sure you get your friends, your family, and everybody you know to vote for us if you think this skit is half decent. Even if you don't, please vote for it anyways if it is accepted. There will be more details as to whether or not this makes it in the coming week. Thanks for the continued support on LAWSON, and its finally getting back on track.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ah yah

New pics coming soon, and a possible glimpse at a fund raising trailer I am going to work on. Sorry for the shortness of news and all that jazz in recent memory, but I have a good feeling that its going to pick up shortly and we are finally going to be able to finish this thing. Keep your fingers crossed and all that.

Thanks for all the support

Friday, May 18, 2007


We are trying to get the word out further about Lawson: White Heat. We are trying our best to overcome our set backs, move forward and finish the movie. Though, we need your help! We need you, to help Lawson Save the World! If you aren't already friends with Lawson on myspace, please, add him. Lawson: White Heat If you know anyone who might be interested in Lawson, have them add Lawson. Spread the word of Lawson, the more people that know of Lawson and have Lawson on their friends, the more the word will get out. We also have a running blog for the movie itself, Lawson Production Blog Check it out, there is some fun behind the scenes stuff, a teaser trailer, and a couple blooper reels on there and on the Lawson White Heat Youtube Channel. Finally, Evil 1985 will be launching our website around July 1st. We will be giving more information as this date comes closer, but it will include Everything Evil1985, including more information about Lawson, as well as, our other productions in the works. We ask you...Are you willing to, Help Lawson Save the World?