Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hey Yo!

I'm just giving a little update here on what's going on. The movie is coming along pretty good. Got a lot of shit done in the past month, but we still aren't at the end. What's good though is we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, as opposed to a month ago when we were stalled and couldn't see shit.

I've been slowly but surely getting back into editing the shit. I have one of the scenes we've done like 90 percent done. I need to add a lot of sound and stuff to it, but as it is right now, it looks pretty good. I am also about halfway through another one. I haven't been able to pump through the stuff like before, but I have been extremely busy/burned out recently so cut me some slack here.

We are taking the next two weeks off to recharge our batteries. I know I need it, although I can't speak for everybody else.

Either way, when we start back up, we have 4 things to take care of that we could theoretically do in a weekend, and then we have one more huge part to do. Either way, it's SOOOOO close to being finished as far as shooting goes. We are almost there so all three people that read this, bear with us here.

Also, I still gotta throw some new bloopers or something on here, just so there is SOMETHING to put up.

Monday, July 09, 2007

We're Making Progress

Hi, everybody. We've all been asked the same question lately: "Are you guys done yet?" The answer to that is: "No, but it will be worth the wait." We have all been putting alot of hard work into this movie and for us it will be a great accomplishment to finally have an opportunity to show it to all of you. The past few weeks have seen alot of progress. Some great scenes are being put together and I feel that every time we film something new we get a little better at what we are trying to do.

On Saturday we filmed some TV news footage/press conference stuff with Chief Coffeestache. It was very fun to do and hopefully comes across that way in the movie. We also shot a "special effects masterpiece" on Saturday followed by a "stunt spectacular" on Sunday. Very fun weekend indeed. You'll have to see the movie to find out more about those though!

If you are on myspace we have been adding some pictures to the page periodically over the past couple of days (like the two Barry posted below), so go check that out:

If you aren't on myspace and you can't see the pictures then fear not. Here are a few of them to whet your appetite for the upcoming movie:

We hope you like them and hope you like the movie even more. It will be alot of fun when it's all done. Thanks for showing interest in the movie, being patient while we finish it, and for reading the blog!


*This just in*: Apparently Lawson has a posse!

Monday, July 02, 2007

messing around

Two pictures I messed with in iphoto and came up with this shit. I have a few more to post, I just have to clean out my flash drive.