Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hey, everybody. There isn't much to report on right now, but I wanted to disperse the crickets before they began chirping insessantly. The movie has been on hiatus for the past month or so while we recharge our batteries, but no need to worry. We are starting up again shortly. We will dust off the guns, badges, and mustaches and get back to finishing this movie.

The warehouse situation remains as our biggest obstacle at the moment. There are ways to work around it creatively but situations like this prove the benefit of having cash while trying make a movie turn out the way that you want to see it. To have a budget greater than pocket change seems like such an amazing luxury to have and, although I don't want to speak negatively, it is disheartening to see that some of the worst movies have had more money put into them than I may ever see in my life. It's dissapointing when Larry the Cable Guy can make a movie with explosions, stunt men, and Danny Trejo and we can't even get an empty warehouse.

We have plenty on our plate to take on, though, as we march forward to the conclusion of our Lawson adventure. There is still a lot of montage footage to be done and some very funny short scenes still need to be shot. And then the epic finale. And then the sequels.

The myspace page ( has been touched up a little, too. Let us know if you like the changes or not if you get a chance. We also have a few friends working on movie posters, which are looking very sexy. They will be posted here, the myspace page, and everywhere else we can reach once they are finished.

We are all looking forward to finishing the movie and then watching it with everybody. It's going to be a lot of fun, so we hope to see you at the premiere!

Thanks for reading!


Monday, August 13, 2007


For the past month I said I'd put up some new bloopers, or SOMETHING on here, but I have been pre occupied with other shit.... Like eating food, moving, buying a car, and generally being a moron.

I am almost moved into the place, and then I will be able to get back to business and do some more shit on the movie. It doesn't really matter anyways, because we are stuck at a standstill YET AGAIN. No worries, we are very close to the end, we just have to figure out another way to get over another stupid bump in the road.

Clips this week hopefully.