Saturday, September 08, 2007


So it's yesterday afternoon. Tommy and I are out, trying to film the first thing in weeks. (possibly the first thing we've tried to shoot in a month and a half) We're talking for a bit over a ton of ideas that we can accomplish in his basement, but I realize as we are having this conversation that it is getting close to sunset, and we can walk, fairly quickly to a beach and some parking lots that will have very cool sunset shots of the city. The walk takes longer than we hoped, and we cant really shoot the sunset shots that we had planned. Along the way, we spied a bunch of places where a well placed camera could get a pleasant shot for us to use in teasers or random montage places.

As the sun is completely disappearing, we walk back to this railroad bridge, which links the dorchester port to the mainland of dorchester. When we passed earlier, Tommy said "this would make a cool shot, lawson looking over the trains" As I'm setting up the camera and getting light levels a train passes. Bill and Alicia come by to watch us work and lend moral support. I am set up and waiting for this simple B roll shot when I hear these guys start saying "ennnhhh, here we go" and I assume the car I see in my peripheral vision is Kyle, who was supposed to meet us here and drive us back to Tommy's where we are planning on shooting more scenes. Even as this car pulls up, perpendicular to us, with flashing lights, I am thinking "where did kyle get flashing lights?"

These two cops hop out of the car, and point flashlights in out eyes. I say "hey, how's it going?" they ask what we are doing, and tommy says "we're filming a movie" They say "No, you're not" They say "In this day and age, you should know better." We acquiesce. We say "oh?" Tommy says, "well, we could leave.... or..." the say "yeah" As I'm packing, the train passes. We walk to Alicia's, and try to convince her mom that we got arrested and she came and bailed us out. It doesnt work.