Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not Cool Man!

So over the weekend I was working hard on editing two scenes. I had to capture a few hours of footage, and then sort through it all to find the clips I wanted, needed, and could use. I got a good solid three minutes edited in the timeline in Final Cut and was pretty excited. I know three minutes probably doesnt sound like too much, when in reality thats a LOT of work. So, point of the story is this. After I saved the project, made sure everything was cool, somehow the folder got screwed up and all that work I did is lost forever (until I do it again). Frustrated? You bet!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Screen Shot

I am working on throwing together a quick little clip, something new, so people can see other shit going on in the movie. I have two big things to edit in the next week and a half or so, so I am going to be busy, and will probably have another bloopers reel I can put together too.

Either way, he is a hilarious screen shot of Chief Coffeestache answering questions from reporters about the White Heat epidemic. The text at the bottom is blurry because its supposed to scroll by, and it says (when asked to comment his reply was, "I'm fucking Steve Guttenburg!") Tons of fun!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

State of the Lawson Address

It has been just over a year since shooting started on our first "feature length movie" LAWSON: White Heat. In the first few weeks/months of shooting, everything was going so smoothly, and we were breezing through scenes with ease. As the scenes grew progressively more complex, obviously things start to get harder. Some of the things we needed to do were out of our control until the weather got better in the spring again.

We took a small break, and once the weather was favorable, we started back up. Over the Spring/Summer, we made leaps and bounds as far as the progress of the movie goes. We were once again smooth sailing, and although we obviously weren't going to get the movie done for Spring/Summer of 2007 (an unrealistic goal to begin with), we were sure of ourselves that we'd be done shooting by the end of the Summer.

Day after day, week after week, people who know we are making a movie will ask the same question over and over and over and over. "When is the movie going to be finished?" Believe me, if we could have a solid date and know exactly when it would be finished, we'd tell every single person we could, so they can come see what we've been working so hard on for the past year. Unfortunately though, unforseen roadblocks once again stalled our progress on finishing the movie. As frustrating as it must be for people who want to see the damn thing, imagine how frustrating things have been for us. Here we are, busting our asses, shooting on weird schedules late at night (finding times to work together is nearly impossible when everybody has jobs, bills to pay, and we arent getting any money to do this), and doing everything we possibly can to finish this thing, and shit falls apart.

We were set up in three or four different places at different times during the summer, where we'd be able to go in on weekends, shoot our crazy finale on all day shoots, which wouldve taken maybe a month or so, and you know what happens? We fall onto hard times and bad luck, and every place we had, fell through due to unforseeable events taking place. I.E., thanks but no thanks, take your stupid movie and go somewhere else.

This is really not as easy as people think. We arent just a bunch of shithead kids anymore wasting our nights with unprepared, uninspired, stupid little skits we made with a bogus cheap camcorder. This is as close to a real movie as we can get with ZERO BUDGET, ZERO CREW, ZERO LOCATIONS, and basically nothing but us working on it. We've had a ton of help in finding places from my uncle, who I owe a huge amount of thanks to for all of his help and hard work, but other than that, any money spent is from our own empty pockets. We don't have jobs where our accounts are over flowing with extra money to blow on making a crazy action/comedy movie here.

As fun as it sounds to "play dress up", get soaked in fake blood, run around with a camera and pretend to shoot each other, there is so much more to what we are doing, and what we have done thus far. From the writing of the entire movie, to the shooting, acting, editing, music, effects, its all us. We've borrowed equipment, and asked for help with some poster designs and stuff like that, but the actual production of the movie is 5 dudes who had an idea, and we are busting our asses to get this thing done.

So please, bear with us for a little more time. If you've lost interest in everything we have done thus far, thats okay. Thanks for your interest in the first place, and if you are still waiting on the edge of your seats to see what a bunch of meat heads like us can do if we put our hard work into something, hopefully you'll have as much fun watching the finished product as we will.

We've figured out a solution to our negative warehouse space, and we are going to start shooting the very end of the movie shortly. While this is taking place, I will get back on my chair in front of the computer, and puzzle together everything we have finished as we take the time to finish this thing. It's almost over, I swear.

Thanks for reading, keep supporting us and understand that we want this done as much as you!
