Monday, January 14, 2008


Barry here, giving an update from the editing aspect of the movie. I just finally finished one of the most tedious parts of the movie. The scene involves a crime scene investigation, which is an integral part of our story, and it is a funny one. The only problem is, it was so hard to put together smoothly due to certain factors out of our control (bad location audio, and certain consistency flubs), but all in all it came out pretty good all things considered. I dont know why it was such a pain in the ass, but something about it took me forever to finish it.

I've gone back over some older scenes that are finished and color corrected, and audio corrected them to make em look and sound premium. I am not in the midst of piecing together two more finished scenes, then I have to go back and voice over and put music to a TV watching part in the movie. All in all things are finally back on track and going well.

I sent Egan a ton of screen caps (which you can also see on the myspace page), so he can work on putting them on the website. I have seen the layout and have given my input and agreed on the less is more aspect for the site, and from what I have seen, I am pretty happy about it.

I know we have said this a million times before, but we really are closer and closer to finishing this movie with each passing day. Although the process has been tedious, time consuming and at times very frustrating, it has all been worth it. One motivating factor for me personally at the moment is the school film festival. Last year we won for best trailer with the short teaser, and theres nothing more that I would like, than to have the movie finished for this years and try to win more shit.

I believe the deadline for submissions is sometime in late march/early april, so theres a goal we can TRY to reach. Doesnt mean it is going to happen, because as I've learned from shooting this thing, obstacles do appear, and theres nothing you can do about it. It'd be fantastic to be able to submit it and see what happens, but if it doesn't, at least its a motivational factor to kick ass on this bitch the next two months.

More soon.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

The site + more.

Over the last two weeks or so, I have been working on designs for the Lawson: White Heat website. We decided to scrap the other site for a couple reasons, one of which was I was not happy with the way it was starting to look. I felt it was generic, and cluttered at the same time, without any real sort of good content. This time I took a new approach to designing the pages. I went simplistic, but attractive. The designs I have so far look good, but you aren't bogged down with too many images, or just to much random shit on each page like before.

I have the designs for the top level page(Which I will post a preview for soon), the First tier of content pages, and some of the second tier. The site isn't going to go beyond 3 tiers of pages(homepage, first tier, second tier) All the content, and then some, can fit perfectly into that structure. I created a Photoshop file of each page first. Once I am done with my last two pages, I am going to turn them into HTML. I am still yet to decide on a switch board system yet. I am thinking most likely(without getting to technical) all the pages will run through a central file that will pull the content files for that page, I will then use something to make the page URLs look nice, instead of URL parameters floating around everywhere. I don't think this site is complex enough to require any sort of database content management system, even a light one, that I write myself. No need to spend the time on it if that is the case.

I've spoke with a friend from work and he is going to alter a flash player we have, and I am going to use that for all the videos on the site. I feel it looks a bit more professional to have your own media player, or one not branded by another company. I know other people are fine with using Youtube, and I would be, if getting a new media player wasn't so easy. Also, that way, we can embed the videos into Myspace, other pages, just like before, instead of linking to Youtube, it can link to a page on the Lawson site, generating more traffic back to the Lawson site.

Barry is getting some screen caps for me over the next couple weeks, and the site will feature various screen caps from the movie. You can see your favorite people in action(by favorite people, I mean the Chief, of course). Each major character will have their own page, which will have in-action screen caps, photos from the photoshoot, and potentially a little video, with either them in-action, or partaking in some funny antics that is not in the movie.

Overall, I think the site is going to look good, it will also become a great landing place for people looking for information about the movie. Currently, we have this blog, which sure, it's got good information, but it's all in post form, and stuff moves below the fold and to archive pages pretty quickly. The site will have all the information anyone would need right there, and it would not be hard to find. Unfortunately, I don't have an estimated release date for it, but I can tell you this, it will be done before the movie for sure.

Speaking of the movie, I can't wait to get it done. Recently, the anticipation has been building again, and I'm just at the point where I want to get it done so everyone can see it. I hope people haven't been getting frustrated with the fact we aren't done yet. Though, I am sure everyone working on the movie will tell you two things, It is hard fucking work making this movie, and we haven't forgotten or given up on it. If you were once excited for the movie, get excited again. If you are still excited, thank you for your patience. The movie will be coming soon. I truly believe it will meet, if not surpass your expectations. At least I know it has already surpassed mine. We have some shoots set up, as well as some prep work for the big finale. With all the set backs we have had over the last six or so months we have really come a long way, and are ready to get this done.

I'm also excited to see the poster when it is done, hopefully soon, so we can plaster them everywhere in Boston, hopefully. I know we have been looking into getting postcards to hand out(kinda like club promoters, right Barry?). I really want to spread the word of the movie. I truly think people are going to enjoy it. Overall, I just want people to see it. I personally don't care if we make a dime off of it, it would be nice, but if we don't, I had a great time making a great movie, and that alone is worth doing it.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Lawson is a Goddamn Hero

Hi, friends.

Lawson has been recognized as a "GODDAMN HERO" by the Bay Area band Arnocorps! They really know their shit. Check them out here:

A picture of Lawson is featured in the photo album of "GODDAMN HEROES." Pretty cool.

Well, we better get back to finishing this bastard. More updates to come!

Thanks for reading!