Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Artwork

Hi friends!

We're still hard at work on making this movie the best it can be. Should be pretty sweet! Making movies isn't just pointing a camera at some folks and having them say a few things. Sure those are the basics, but there are also alot of other thing which go into a movie that are taken for granted. Things like music and advertising artwork are as much an important part of the process as the rest. A movie that is well done but has inapproiate music or a terrible poster won't float (especially a low budget indie movie that won't be shoved down your throat by a bombardment of TV and billboard ads, regardless of what it is about). Think of how different The Texas Chainsaw Massacre would have been with if the soundtrack was old ragtime piano. How successful would the Lord of the Rings movies have been if the poster was a fat geek reading a copy of Return of the King while eating a meatball sub?

Basically my point is that other elements go into a movie that help represent it as much as the script and the footage itself. The music in the trailers has helped set the tone for the movie and the posters help give you an impression of the movie before you even get to see it. First impressions are important. Which is why you notice (hopefully) that our poster is cool.

So after all of this babble I'll get to my next point, the main reason I'm writing this. In addition to the cool poster made by Sarah, Boston artist Andy Amato has agreed to work on a painted movie poster. Everyone who is helping us out along the way is putting in a lot of hard work and I get pretty excited with each new picture, poster, rough cut scene, and piece of music we encounter. Mr. Amato sent me these two sketches that he was "messing around with:"

I can only imagine how cool the end result will be. And you know what this means? A painting of Chief Coffeestache is on the way!

So we'll have Sarah's poster, representing the modern sleek action movie look, and Mr. Amato's poster, representing the old-fashioned traditional movie poster of the actioners we grew up on. It's the pairing of these elements that makes Lawson: White Heat what it is.

Thanks for reading!

Today's Lawson Fun Fact:
Lawson is a work of art!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Screen Shots

Here are a few of the screen shots from this weekend. There are more pictures loaded onto the myspace page.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend Update

Where to start. The other night 2 sneak peak clips were posted on youtube. Threw a couple bulletins up on myspace just so people know they are there. Didn't want to over do it and send a bulletin every ten minutes, so it was just a few the whole weekend. The feedback has been all positive. People saying they knew it'd be good, but it far exceeded expectations. It looks like a real movie. Impressed with the angles and all that stuff. Needless to say, it made us all feel pretty good. Thanks to everybody that watched, liked or disliked, and gave us feeback on the movie.

Yesterday we had a day of shooting. We had three things on our schedule, but due to a time issue in meeting with the second crew of actors, we got two done. Thankfully we got the harder of the three done, as the other will take about twenty minutes and we can do it any night of the week.

What we shot yesterday was a sweet police briefing and a disturbance call for the cops to check out. I will post some screen shots later tonight after I have digitized the footage. It was a lot of fun, and it was the most people we've had in one day to help with the movie if I remember correctly.

Special thanks to Al Ravage and Eli, Debruyn, Doug, Bill "Flanigan", Abdi, Jerry, William, and John, in addition to us buttheads. It was a very productive day, and hopefully all that shit comes out good. We are pretty sure we got everything we need, but I just have the tendency to worry that we missed something, mainly because we don't have storyboards and we shoot on the fly. This is all such a good learning experience and tool for us, that we already know the do's and dont's when we work on our next movie when the Lawson period is through.

Check back later tonight and we will have some caps up.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Screenshots

This past weekend we shot an add-on scene for the movie (I swear the add on scenes are longer than the original movie). This was our first test to see how the basement location looks as far as warehouse space. Using movie magic, camera trickery, and different props, we intend to get as much mileage as we can out of the couple basements we are using. We had a very productive weekend and got a good scene done in short time.

Here are some pictures from the shoot:

This upcoming weekend we have a solid days worth of shooting. We have three important scenes to shoot, and once they're finished, literally we are in the home stretch, FINALLY!

It's going to take a little more time, but you can literally taste the finish, and see some light at the end of the tunnel. All this hard work and stress is going to be so worth it once we premier the movie. Can't wait!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

First Poster

This poster for the movie was done by our good friend Sara. I personally think its pretty damn cool seeing a poster for what we've been working on for a while. I love it, cant wait to get a nice copy of it for my wall and stuff. There might be alternate posters on the way too cause some other folks offered to try it out as well, so people will be able to have Lawson posters to wallpaper their rooms.

