Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hey, friends and fanatics! The big premiere is coming up! Clear your calenders and tell your friends!


All of our hard work will be up there on the big screen for you to see. So come on down and bring friends, enemies, or strangers to have a good time with all of us!

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the end of this long, long road!

Today's Lawson Fun Fact: Lawson: White Heat began shooting in October of 2006. KIDS! WE DID IT!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


for those not interested in outside links, just watch it here

new scene and all that shit

Slow goings on the blog. Most things are now being redirected to lawsonwhiteheat.com

Big announcement on the premiere date coming shortly.
Been out promoting with flyers and stuff like that.
Sent out some screeners to numerous people and festivals.
Summer of LAWSON has begun

Lloyd Kaufman from Troma was kind enough to do a cameo in our movie (also look for him in Crank 2). He plays the mayor in the scene and it came out pretty funny.

Feel free to check lawsonwhiteheat​.​com to see the last scene we are releasing before the big premiere. There's still a chance of a full trailer, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.


new scene is up on the news page


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

street team

this weekend the Boston Comic Con took place and we took a trip downtown with a stack of mini posters and flyers to promote the recently launched site. The weather sucked, but we got rid of a fair amount of stuff. Egan was on his game as he was getting in front of large groups, cornering them so they'd take the flyers because they want him to move/get the fuck out of the way. I was doing the friendly approach mentioning a locally produced action movie, take a look if you're interested. There were plenty snubs headed my way. The worst of these took place when a cool little ten year old walked by with his dad and completely ignored me. Punk.

Tim and Debruyn were getting in on the action too. We all sucked at it. I had a perfect target and Tim jumped in front of me to do a sweet hand off to some people. What an asshole. Overall it was a lot of fun people watching and handing out what we could. Afterwards we headed to Newbury Comics and dumped off some flyers there and hung em up. Then up to Little Stevies to do a little of the same. At this point we stopped for some dogs at Spikes and I took off (important things going down, seeing as I was pumped to go see Fast and Furious!)

Egan met up with Kyle and the others later that night. I wasn't there for the night cap but more flyering took place, and apparently outside of Coolidge Corner they got a good response as there was a midnight screening of the Lost Boys. Not bad for our first weekend of trying to promote. It'll be better when we have the release date for our premiere screening too. Should have info this week,

In the meantime I have been contacting local press, and a ton of festivals around the country. So hopefully things start looking up from here on out.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Lawsonwhiteheat.com Launches!!

After months of work, lawsonwhiteheat.com has finally launched. Please check it out, we will be using it to keep everyone updated with upcoming news. While there, you can also follow links to add us on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. You can also sign up for Email Updates and 'Join the Force', our street team to help promote the movie. Please, visit the site, watch the 4 trailers and spread the word about the movie!!

Visit http://www.lawsonwhiteheat.com
