Monday, October 26, 2009


It's Barry. Been swamped with work and wasting my life getting ready to move. Anyway, the point of the post is to talk about the status of the special features for the DVD which will come out before the Cubs win the world series. I am just about finished all that shit, just haven't put the final touches into them. Gonna be a little more of a wait until I move and get settled but expect the features to be posted in November. Buh guh guh guh!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lawson: White Heat on Funny or Die.

With the website back up, we are getting back into the swing of promoting the movie. Last night, we put a scene up on funny or die. We decided that the first scene we would put up is the Police Briefing scene. It's funny, short, and doesn't need a whole lot of context around it.

We plan to put up 3-4+ scenes over the next couple weeks on funny or die. This might be a good way to push people to to watch the entire movie. For those who have not seen the facebook posts yet, here is the scene on Funny or Die. If you like it, give it a 'Funny' rating. As for right now, we have 110 views, 80 funny views, with 100% of voters giving it a funny rating...So far, so good:

Monday, October 19, 2009

NFC and More!

Hey everyone. Lawson: White Heat is up to 600+ views on vimeo, we want to thank everyone who has taken the time to check it out, and those who have passed it on to friends. We have a couple new things going on right now! This weekend we are doing the National Film Challenge. For those of you who don't know, Lawson: The Force was done for the National Film Challenge, so, we could end up with another precursor to a feature length movie, hopefully, the feature doesn't take 3 years, this time.

We are doing planning and writing Friday night. Saturday we will scout locations, purchase/create props and shoot that night. Sunday, John will be editing the short for submission. Due to technical issues, Lawson: The Force was never submitted, so hopefully this year, we get it in.

Also, some fun news to spread is that we are in the works of creating Lawson: The Animated series. My friend Joe has been doing animation for years, and loved Lawson, so we put two and two together and here we are. He has been working on concept art for the Chief, here is your first taste. We are working on a story for the series. We are thinking they will be short episodes with some good comedy and a good story. We hope everyone checks them out.