Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Weekend

We wound up shooting a really funny scene last night and this afternoon. I already edited it and have showed it to Tommy in its 99% completed form. It is very funny, especially considering it was thought of yesterday. I will possibly grab some still shots from it this week and maybe throw it online. Not sure though because I dont want to spoil anything. Maybe I can find one part to use.

Anyhow, we are slowly getting back on track and getting the coverage we need until we get the go ahead on the warehouse scene. Since the weather is finally not deathly cold too, we can head back and reshoot an important scene we need. It is coming along quite nicely, and shortly I will get in touch with my friend Tina about the photo shoot for the posters.

This has been a great learning experience, and now we know that the entire process, if we want it to be pretty good, takes time, effort, and a lot of patience if you want a quality piece of work. (quality as in how it looks, content is up to the viewer. you will all love it though if you like our sense of humor)

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