Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So, news on the Lawson front. We are slowly catching up on some of the things we needed to get done for the majority of the movie. Unfortunately however, our warehouse fell through and we are back to square one on the ending.

Thankfully, we got the Chinatown scene done, and I am going to talk to one of the girls about finally getting to do an important scene at her house.

I have a bunch of new still shots from some of the more recent things we've done, and I will try to get them up soon.

To tide people over, I am going to post this rediculous video we did for my lighting class. Extra thanks to Egan, Tommy, and John for the help.

Trust me, its rediculous.


Tommy said...

Ha. The sound effects at the end are so creepy. If it didn't have the gargling it would be downright disturbing.

Barry said...

haha. egans not a fan of them either. i dont mind em, otherwise i wouldnt have put em in.

they dont bug me at all.

Barry said...

I'll tell you what, later tonight I will put together one with music at the end, instead of the "questionable" moaning and grunting.

It will also have the "Private Dick was taped in front of a live studio audience" at the end.

we have a movie about a squirting penis that kills people, and fake moans are creeping people out. so good

John Koziol said...

Finally a writing credit I can be proud of. I am so thoroughly creeped out by this, Barry. It's great.

Anonymous said...
