Monday, October 08, 2007


Hi there, friends!

We are having a contest during October and YOU could win a most excellent prize! Here's the deal:

The other day, as I carved my annual Halloween pumpkin into the likeness of Charles Bronson, I realized that I really wanted to make a Chief Coffeestache jackolantern, too. If any of you share my dream (or at least want to win a cool prize), then that's the challenge! All you have to do is make a Chief Coffeestache pumpkin and send us a picture of it. Our esteemed judging panel will vote for their favorite and the winner gets a free DVD of LAWSON: WHITE HEAT when it is released!

So here are the rules again:
1) make the best jackolantern of Chief Coffeestache
2) send us a picture of it

The deadline for your submission is Halloween night! So get the kids in the car and head on down to the pumpkin patch!

And here's the pumpkin that started it all:

My Charlie Bronson Gourd

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