Sunday, May 11, 2008

Another Successful Shoot

Happy Mother's day to all you mothers out there. Yesterday we started early and worked into the late night putting together a great scene. We built a pretty convincing set, in my opinion, between the scenery and the costumes. There was a drug lab of sorts that appeared to be bad guy quality control. It looked sexy. There were a few scientists and of course a few ski-masked scumbags that end up having a run in with Lawson. Thanks to Tim, Evan, Jesse, and everyone else who came and helped, sacrificing a Saturday to help us get this movie finished.

In addition to being in the scene, Tim was taking some "on set" pictures that should be surfacing soon. They look really cool. The scene had a little bit of everything that you would want from an action movie: guns and assorted weapons, bloody special effects, hilariously vulgar trash talk, interesting camera shots, and more. Aside from bare breasts and explosions, this scene covers some serious action movie bases.

I'd go into more detail about the effects, but for now I don't want to give away many of the gags you'll see in the finished movie. Just know that bad guy lives were ended fantastically and brutally. Justice was served. Served hard.

Yesterday was also Egan's birthday. So if you see the Chief in your travels be sure to wish him a happy (belated) birthday.

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of things I wanted to write. I'm tired and it's late. Remember to call your mother. I'm trying to think of something clever to write about mothers or mother's day to end this but all I can think of is the scene in Death Wish where Kersey's wife gets murdered. "Mother's getting the shit kicked out of her . . . "

Good enough.

Thanks for reading!

LAWSON FUN FACT: Lawson recommends hollow point bullets as a fine gift for Mom.

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