Monday, August 11, 2008

Finally an update

Over the weekend we finished up on most of the ridiculous special effects of the movie. It was a VERY long day of shooting, with a lot of different gags and incidents going on in one scene.

There are 24-26 scenes in the movie. There are plenty of locations, characters, gun fights, violence, comedy and all that hopefully you'd want. When all is said and done, I am expecting that the movie is around 90 minutes, give or take. When we set out to make a feature, I am sure people assumed we were just clowns messing around and doing nothing serious. To be honest when we started, I dont think even we realized exactly how intense, how legit, and how good this thing would be turning out.

Throughout the entire shooting process of the movie, I have done numerous rewrites and made plenty of changes to the original script. Honestly, the comparison to the original, and what we have now is crazy. Its a lot tighter, better dialogue, more consistency with the story, and literally about 40 pages longer than the original. I have a copy or two lying around of the original, so when we become huge, famous movie producers and directors and all that jazz, those puppies will be collectors items huh?


Anyhow, we have 3 or 4 things left, and I have plenty of editing and post to do as well. Almost finished... Almost.

One hold up for me personally as far as the editing process goes is the fact that I am literally in between living spaces as we speak, and have been for over a month. This weekend that changes and I will be FINALLY in my new place with a sweet ass set up/mini studio for editing, shooting, and music. CANT WAIT!

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