Monday, September 29, 2008

What a weekend

So there are about 35 scenes in the movie, give or take a couple. You know how these things go where things get cut, shortened, lengthened and what have you.

Today we finished one that was on our list for the past two years. One that we said we would hold off on until we were just about finished with the movie. Today was that day, and we have 2, MAYBE 3 days left of shooting! HOLY SHIT!

I wanted to put up a bunch of screen shots and all that jazz, but I've had a long weekend, took a long nap, and haven't put the new footage on the computer. I am still pumped, and will make sure to put some shit up tomorrow to go along with this post.

until then, this is for Egan, Tommy, John and Kyle. This is just a little tease for something I want to get going once the movie is finished.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

hahahaha "the fuckin' hoodlums"