Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two More Shoots To Go!

Hey, all you Lawson-Fanatics!

As the two of you may know, we are rapidly approaching the end of this two year production. We are a tall stack of calender pages away from our original April '07 release date but it will be worth it when we are able to sit down with you and watch a well done micro-budget movie.

Last weekend we did one of the final three shoots. It was my last scene as Lawson and our last scene at our Whitman location. I'm sure if you go back and read older posts you will see that we have been "done with our Whitman location" several times, but this time I think we're really done with it. It was a pretty quick shoot. It was cold but luckily I got to dress in the Lawson garb which, as I learned over the summer shoots, is very warm.

The scene we were doing is the last one you will see in the movie. In addition to some continuity errors, you will get to see a pretty great looking prop that Kyle made. To say more might ruin the surprise. Another interesting tid bit of trivia to keep in mind when you see the final scene of the movie is that Commissioner Tunney was very drunk.

In other news, we had a meeting last night to go over a big fight scene we will be shooting soon. Seems like it's going to be good. Any of you who remember UWA will get a kick out of it. That will be our final shoot. So now comes the time when we need to consider how to deal with this movie being done. How, where, and when do we screen it? We are still going to have our big premiere and party of course, with all the fun and games as advertised. We are talking about different ways to make it available online for download and such. Seems like there are a lot of options of what we can do to actually have this movie be seen by some folks. We'll see how all this unfolds as the months go by.

There are some additional promotional things I would still like to shoot so don't be surprised to see me post another blog later on about how I put the retired Lawson costume back on to do a short commercial or PSA. They will be fun to do, but actually finishing the movie itself is the priority right now.

Thank you for sticking around while we make this thing and thanks for reading!


PS: We are doing our Second Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest! Email us a picture of your Lawson: White Heat-related jackolantern by Halloween night, and if it's is the best one you will win a FREE DVD!

Check out last year's winner and an entry from this year's contest:

TODAY'S LAWSON FUN FACT: In the 1989 movie, The Punisher, Dolph Lundgren uses the same shotgun as Lawson during the Fun House gun fight. Lawson has always been an inspiration to low budget action heroes.

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