Thursday, February 26, 2009


To follow up on the last post, I completely agree that we have a pretty unique thing on our hands. Not the idea of a good guy vs bad guy action comedy, but just our own style and brand of insensitive and hopefully offensive humor. What we watched didn't have all the fx and stuff but tonight I've already hit it hardcore. You can already notice the difference in one specific large gun fight where I've started the fx process. I also chopped up a ravage song to use during the scene and it works great. It's made the scene ten times better.

Almost done!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Watched the Rough Cut

Hey there, everybody,

We're getting pretty close to the end here in Lawson land. A bunch of us got together last night to view a rough cut of the movie and it didn't disappoint. By this point there were only a few things that I hadn't seen cut together so it was very exciting to see those final pieces of the puzzle take shape. There are a couple things that need to be added and a few places that can be tightened up, but overall this baby is almost ready to blow.

We just need to shoot the other half of the Mayor scene (Kyle has an upcoming story about that trip) and a news reporter bit this weekend. Throw those into the mix and add some special effects and music and you can finally see what the Hell we've been working on for so long. It's crass and offensive, violent and bloody, funny and unique (at least I hope it is all of these). I am well aware that each one of those descriptions is totally subjective and what might be funny or edgy to one person might be incredibly stupid to someone else. This isn't your main stream run of the mill comedy or action. It's off the wall. I think that we have something that is both originally unique and nostalgically familiar. You have seen our cliches before in a hundred cop movies but never quite like this.

So get ready for bullets, blood, and bad language . . . USA! USA! USA!

Thanks for reading!


Today's Lawson Fun Fact: Freddy vs Jason vs Lawson in 2012. Not the movie. The presidential debate.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Oh My!

This is the type of shit that will be left on the cutting room floor....... Maybe on the Super Ultra Fucking Awesome Lawson White Heat Is The Best Movie Ever Edition of the DVD you can see some of this stuff. I will post more pics later tonight if I get around to doing it

Monday, February 02, 2009

Start Licking Your Chops

Hey, friends!

Last night John and I were at Barry's apartment watching Puppy Bowl V. While there we checked out some of the footage he's been editing. I don't want to give away too many details but there is a great fist fight and alot of the final, tense showdown has been put together. I'm looking forward to seeing how that scene turns out. It brings almost all of the main characters together into one room for what is hopefully a suspenseful finale.

We've been checking out the footage as he's been editing and it isn't just exciting to see it coming together but it is also helpful because it lets us see what works and what doesn't. Some of it we will chock up as being a learning experience and we can avoid those mistakes on our next movie. Other things we can fix. For example there is a scene where there are two special effects close ups that were done. One of them looked really good. The other didn't look so good. Since It wouldn't take too long to recreate, John and I reshot the second effect a few weekends ago. Hopeful it fits in seamlessly. We'll see. If it doesn't fit we can either try again or acquire yet another learning experience from this whole process.

Things are looking good and coming together pretty quickly. I'm also thinking we should offer an online service where if you write to us we can have the Chief chew someone out for you in an online video. He talks shit with the best of them. I should probably ask the Chief first before I start a business based on him swearing at random people.

Thanks for reading and get ready for an action-packed extravaganza!


PS: Watching Death Wish 3 on Barry's giant HD TV was a real treat.

TODAY'S LAWSON FUN FACT: Have you noticed how beards are cool again? Lawson totally started that.