Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Watched the Rough Cut

Hey there, everybody,

We're getting pretty close to the end here in Lawson land. A bunch of us got together last night to view a rough cut of the movie and it didn't disappoint. By this point there were only a few things that I hadn't seen cut together so it was very exciting to see those final pieces of the puzzle take shape. There are a couple things that need to be added and a few places that can be tightened up, but overall this baby is almost ready to blow.

We just need to shoot the other half of the Mayor scene (Kyle has an upcoming story about that trip) and a news reporter bit this weekend. Throw those into the mix and add some special effects and music and you can finally see what the Hell we've been working on for so long. It's crass and offensive, violent and bloody, funny and unique (at least I hope it is all of these). I am well aware that each one of those descriptions is totally subjective and what might be funny or edgy to one person might be incredibly stupid to someone else. This isn't your main stream run of the mill comedy or action. It's off the wall. I think that we have something that is both originally unique and nostalgically familiar. You have seen our cliches before in a hundred cop movies but never quite like this.

So get ready for bullets, blood, and bad language . . . USA! USA! USA!

Thanks for reading!


Today's Lawson Fun Fact: Freddy vs Jason vs Lawson in 2012. Not the movie. The presidential debate.

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