Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Muzzle Flare?!

With the release of the trailer, the biggest concern with the way it looked was everyone felt that the gunshots didn't look real enough, and I would be hard pressed not to agree. So we went out looking for solutions, the first plan was to find someone proficient in Adobe After Effects. I tried Craigslist and all I got were Web Design companies that didn't do anything with video editting looking to build me a web site. Barry also put something up at his school, as well as, Myspace and Facebook. In the mean time, I started playing with After Effects myself. It isn't brutally hard, but gun Flares might have taken a little more time than we had. So I hit google, and said, hey, how do other people do this. I came across a movie "Bullets over Breakfast", done by another start up similar to us named Quantum Petshop The had a detailed tutorial on how to do the effects they had in their movie, which was loaded with gun fire. So, I figured, I would tinker around with it and see if I could get similar results, and currently, the results look promising, I don't have any of the footage from the trailer on me, but when I get it, I am going to run some test. It is definitely a good solution, but a tedious one, fortunately, I know my way around an editing suite, as well as not being the primary editor, I am willing to take this in my own hands and make it happen. Hopefully, this weekend we will have an updated Trailer with muzzle flares, or at least we can hope.

1 comment:

Barry said...

make a bullet come out of big hoyts head to see if you can do it