Last night John, Beavis, and I did some tests with the air pump to see how our blood spray will look on camera. Overall I am very happy with the results. It took a couple of tries with a few variations but we finally got a great, over the top spray of blood. The hardest factor to negotiate is the amount of blood. If there is too little blood in the hose, nothing comes out. But as some of the tests proved, too much blood sprays out for a hell of a long tme. It was hilarious.
We also tested out a modified sport top bottle that will create pulsating bursts of blood from an amputated stump. I think it will work really well.
John was taping the tests and hopefully will be able to make a short video out of the footage and have it on here pretty soon. Until then, here is a picture of my t shirt after the first successful test of the air pump.

Thanks for reading!
haha, nice. so much blood
if you think thats good, wait til you see the walls! I'll try to bring the tape to the meeting tomorrow and get some vid up by the weekend.
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