Sunday, February 04, 2007

Slow goings

People went and looked at one of the warehouse spaces today. I showed up a few minutes late and missed the inside, but they said it looks good and thats good to me. I just want to get this thing finished to be honest.

We havent been keeping up in the past three weeks for whatever reason, but hopefully this is the spark plug we've needed to get our asses back on track.

There isnt really too much left to do, outside of the ending, Badis house, some coverage/montage shit, and a reshoot of something that came out poorly, but we just havent done anything. Maybe I will be able to throw together another set of bloopers, or something to that extent to get something out there since its been so slow. Who knows.

Cant wait to finish, and start doing something else


Tommy said...

Can't wait to see new bloopers. Ah Yah!

John Koziol said...

cant wait to be more bloopers