I am excited that we have a space to work in. I am excited that the movie is almost ready to hit the last stretch of filming. And I am excited about the oncoming media blitz. We all have grand ideas of papering the city with ads and teaser info and such. But the recent Aqua Teen ad campaign/terror threat that hit Boston the other day really got us thinking . . . probably in the wrong direction. So, if you happen to be riding the T and you spot a man in a fabric muscle suit disarming bombs, don't be scared! It's just Lawson saving the lives of the innocent! He's making the world a safer place for you and yours. And if you're lucky, after he dismantles the device, he will give you a flyer to a screening of Lawson: White Heat! What a hero.
Maybe all train cars should have this:

Speaking of bad ideas, our production company (Evil 1985) may have a future project lined up. Our very own John Koziol will risk his health in a $10,000 bet to rapidly lose weight and then gain 200 lbs! We will document the entire process. We'll see how good an idea this seems later, but as of right now it's a terrible and great idea.

We wish John the best of luck.
Lawson rarely speaks, but when he does it is usually to order more french fries for John Koziol.
Thanks for reading.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force sucks, and so does the city of Boston for being such retards about the "bomb" threats they were.
That fat kid with the fries looks like hes wearing the lawson suit already
Even if koziol died, i think it'd be worth it.
You guys are batshit insane.
Is John Koziol really gonna do that?
YES. might as well.
Also, me barry and tommy had a ton of great ideas re: the warehouse last night, and I think with a little bit of planning, (well, a hell of a lot of planning) we can get a ton of shooting done in that warehouse and its size wont be an issue.
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