Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Status update from Barry

I have been beyond slacking the past month or so. I said I would post some things a while ago, and had planned to have all the shit we have finished edited, but the frustration we've all been through due to the inconsistent shooting schedules has made me relax and not stress too much. The only deadline we have is "when its finished its finished" at this point. They got a good deal of shit done this weekend, and it seems like we are all back on the right track to finish this bad boy up before years end. not a promise, but a genuine and realistic hope on my behalf.

Its gonna be pretty good. Hopefully expectations are still there for us to have something enjoyable for people to watch, because while its not going to be a classic like Harry and the Hendersons, it is still going to be a worthwhile way to waste an hour and a half of your time hopefully.

Ah yah!


Tommy said...

Don't sound so pessimistic. John Lithgow doesn't have shit on Chief Coffeestache! And we have our own sasquatch sighting on tape, too. So maybe this will be a classic like Harry and the Hendersons. Only with way more swearing.

John Koziol said...

The stuff we shot with egan in Whitman saturday is funnier than anything in harry and the hendersons other than harry. (and the sasquatch sighting we had in the summer might be funnier than him)

Barry said...

guys, theres no funnier scene in any movie outside of Harry laughing at the tv and throwing dip at the screen. thats priceless (encino man hammock scene is a close second for me)

Tommy said...

Maybe we should re-enact the Harry throwing dip scene with Paul watching an episode of spencer.