Monday, August 25, 2008

And they're off!

So I am settled into my new place after about 2 months of living out of boxes and not being able to do much in the way of editing. I got a lot of rewrites and scene polishing done in that time for the last few scenes we are doing. The original ending to the movie has been changed drastically. Overall, the entire tone of the movie is completely different now than when we starting working on it. What started out as our attempt to do a serious, gritty cop drama, has turned into what we know best, and it is ridiculous comedy, perverted humor, offensive insults, and our always improving attempts at some serious action/effects.

Now that I am settled (which I will take pictures of my sweet set up once I am finished making my little studio look good and post em up here so people can see where I do the "movie magic" and edit, do music, blah blah blah.

Onto the editing spectrum:

It's been a while but I started back into it this weekend. Went back to an old unfinished scene, and noticed that a file of footage has literally vanished from my hard drive. I have to go back and reload a few minutes of a tape to fit it back into the timeline. Not only that, this is the one scene left that we need to head back and get reshoots on. It shouldn't take very long, but in the end it will be worth doing. Since I forgot we were doing that, I decided I would stop there and just move on to a completed scene. Now here I am at almost 2 in the morning, needing sleep so I can be nice and refreshed for work in the morning. PRONTO.

I am planning on going through all of the tapes and making a catlogue of them in case we ever dub the tapes or anything and see if any fans out there want to make their own cut of the movie. In theory we should have all these tapes logged and labeled and stored properly for these organizing reasons, but I am a busy guy, and this isn't my full time job and I don't have an intern to do it (unfortunately)

Needless to say, I have a full plate in front of me now as far as editing goes. In the time since I've been between houses, a lot of footage has piled up, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just a time consuming thing, and something I don't think will help me out in the "I think I am getting carpal tunnel syndrome" from using the computer so much. That's lame.

Regardless, I WILL be back with another update in a few days to a week. Should have pics posted of my station, kinda do a LAWSON: CRIBS type deal and maybe I will post new screen shots and shit from this weekends big shoot. BIG SHOOT.

After this weekends shoot, there are 2 more BIG SHOOTS left. This is all shit for the finale that we've been discussing, laboring over, and pulling all of our hair out dwelling on. We've gone through so much trouble, so many cancelled locations, and plenty of time and tape working on the last half hour/45 minutes of this thing. This is the reason for delays, but now it's almost over! CAN'T WAIT!

As a momento to the old days, let's take a trip down memory lane, almost 3 years ago to be exact, and take a look at the silly 10 minute weekend whipped together video that inspired us to buckle down and do an actual legit version.

It is a strong possibility that this will be included on the DVD release of White Heat, sans copywritten music and shit, and touched up a bunch so it will be smoother so we can have a compare and contrast so people can see how we went from "THE FORCE" which is what it is, to the all out epic "WHITE HEAT" which I truly believe is going to impress a lot of people. Especially once our budget of pocket change, crew of under 5 etc. etc. comes out.

So enjoy the inspiration one last time as the horses make their way around the home turn, and the release of WHITE HEAT finally nears.


1 comment:

Erik Grimaldi said...

But I got you an umbrella!

Nice use of "Rocky IV", too.

Good luck with the final weeks of completion.
