Friday, November 28, 2008

Radio Interview pics

Here are some pics from of us doing the interview with MJ for her radio show last week.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I received word Saturday night that filming on Lawson: White Heat concluded. Shooting is finished, editing is in the process. Triumph is on the horizon. 2 years we all worked on this. From the starting stages sitting in my old apartment living room with scripts doing walk through thinking we would be done filming a movie in a month or two until Saturday when the camera stopped recording for the last time we all have gotten support from family and friends, and a million questions asking when the movie is going to be finished. It is much appreciated to all of those who have been part of the movie, contributed, helped, acted, donated time, locations, or laughed at what clips and scenes have been filmed or shot. It means alot to us and we are anxious to get the finished product out there. We had a radio show interview tonight (see post below for the link) and it was just another aspect of the whole movie making process that was fun.
Note: Saturday's shoot was done in Egan's basement. Egan's house borders a football field, and when when the shoot was done, an announcement was made and the following video was recorded.

I also heard Terry Funk caught wind of the epic undertaking which was finishing shooting the movie. He was so proud and was telling every one "We did it...We did it kids, we did it!" Im sure theres video floating around out there.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Remember the date kids, November 22nd 2008. This is the biggest day for us so far in the world of Lawson. After just over two years, numerous roadblocks, lack of money, plenty of doubters, technical difficulties, headaches, personal doubt and lack of motivation (for me sometimes anyway), and constant nagging from our rabid three fans wanting to know when the hell this thing would be finished, we finally finished shooting last night as mentioned in the two previous posts.

The last scene was fittingly enough the most physically draining, and mentally draining for me personally. It was the climax between the Chief and Reeses issues coming to a head. How it's going to look cut together is anybodies guess but all I know is after it was finished it was very rewarding to know our hardwork has finally paid off. Unfortunately for me though, there was no jubilant celebration for me at all as the physical demands, cold and filthy basement, and general exhaustion had me take a trip up to the good old emergency room to get a double treatment for my good friend Asthma. I've never been in a colder, more dust filled basement than the one below Egans parents house. Black snots and black goo being hacked up, an inhaler that became pretty useless by nights end and more physical activity than my 200 pound, out of shape aging body is accustomed to. No longer am I the slim and sexy, athletic, and "invincible" 16 year old that I wish I could still be. Instead I am an aging, fattening, hypocondriac that is in pain and winded from the simplest tasks like lifting the toilet seat. Needless to say, when this is finished and the "Lawson riches" come into our bank accounts, I will be an absolute dive and demand the Arnold Sfhwarzennegger treatment and insist on having a stunt double, and not worry about doing my own fights or stuntwork.

The rewarding part of it all for me personally, is knowing that myself, John, Tommy, Egan, Kyle, Abdi, and Lianne, and even the smaller roles from Jesse, Rory, and All the Asians were done all by us. We had very little help at all (thanks Ted, Alicia, Mohammed, Maggie etc for locations) and for all of our hard work, this has been an amazing experience in movie making, friendship, and facing adversity. We held out hope, we've persevered through a ton of horse shit, people backing out and numerous other issues to finish something really special to me and to everybody else involved. To all our fans and supporters, and everybody involved, a sincere thank you is in order and a round of applause for all of you. You were all big helps and without you all and your patience and willingness to sacrifice Friday and Saturday nights for a project that seemingly would never end is awesome. Thanks

Whatever happens with the movie, be it ten people see it or ten million see it, love it or hate it, at least you'll all know the hard work and time, and virtually no money that went into it was a fun learning experience for us. For those movies out there that are considered "low budget" while have millions of dollars at their disposal, and even the ones with 5/10,000 dollars. That's 5,000 more dollars than we had when we started. We used the little money we spent (I'd honestly say in two years the movie cost a whopping 2,500 dollars total give or take). So all people saying you need a ton of cash to make a movie, eat my ass. You need fun people who have sort of an idea how to do stuff, and a crew of people who want to have fun doing it.

In the famous words of RapMaster Reese

"suck my fuckin dick yo!"

Take that, Axl!

Hello, friends!

As John said, we shot the last scene we needed to do yesterday. I was unfortunately at work for most of it, so I can't give you too many first hand details. But if it went as well as the rehearsals from the morning, then it is going to be a really good movie fight.

Not only is it very exciting that we have no more scenes to shoot (barring any additions or reshoots we deem necessary), we finished one day prior to the release of Chinese Democracy. The jokes and comparisons have been made over the past couple of years since our movie has been taking forever. But whatever. We at least finished shooting before Chinese Democracy came out. And since that mythic monster actually came out, it should be reassuring to you, the Lawson-fan, that our movie will be ready for a viewing someday soon!

In other news, at 11:00 o'clock tonight some of us will be interviewed on a web radio show. Check it out live at this site:

or check out MJ's myspace page where the shows are posted:

I'm sure we'll cover any number of topics about our movie and the show may accept call-in questions (though I'm not 100% sure of that), so get your questions ready. We want to hear from you guys. Or at least listen and be there in spirit. It should be fun.

Thanks for reading and please check us out tonight on MJ's radio show.


Today's Lawson Fun Fact: Lawson will get his free Dr. Pepper today. Thanks, Axl!

shooting, done

About four or five hours ago we finished shooting the last scene for the movie. We're all super excited, happy, dirty, proud and tired.

Barry showed us all another scene that he just finished editing. (he posted a screen grab from it last weekend) Its truly fantastic. Moves the story along nicely and is full of hilarious vulgarity.

In between us all choking to death in the horribly dusty Egan family basement we watched a video we made years ago. It was entertaining but pretty sloppy. Since we made that movie we've all gotten older and fatter, but we still have the same goofy sense of humor. (and a little more talent) Lawson: White Heat is going to be a full length, well done version of those fun movies we used to make in one night, quickly and with in camera edits 5, 7 or 10 years ago. And its going to be great!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I thought this would be a funny one to post while I am editing. I found it about ten seconds ago and laughed at it.

Click to enlarge it

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dumb Video

So as some of you may or may not know... Actually you all know because the people who read this are the people I speak to anyways. After the movie is done, I am going to be working on a bunch of sketches, skits, dumb shit, and dubbing of old UWA matches. The idea is to have a "variety web tv show" with a wrestling federation as the main focal point. The beauty is we never have to do anything physical because of the old footage we have, and all of the new stuff will be done in a round about way. Should be tons of fun!

Here is a second teaser for the show

Monday, November 10, 2008

some news

We were invited to be guests on an Internet radio show to plug the movie and chat and crap. Once details are solidified I will post the info and the three fans we have can tune in and chat.

We took the weekend to plan our final shoot. This is our first ever attempt at a movie fight. Some of us have experience fake fighting and choreographing fights from our younger UWA days so we have an idea of what we are doing. I can't tell if this will be easier or harder for a few reasons. Before it was literally one camera and one chance to do everything in front of a live crowd. Now we can re set stuff that doesn't work the first time and do multi angle gimmicks. For me personally I like the one chance as it makes it more pressure filled to do things, but I am also liking the idea of being able to be safe and not hurt myself like I have in the past.

As far as the post production activities go, I am editing. Capturing video is the worst part about it. We are working on merchandising and promotions so if people have hints ideas or interest I. Helping make sure to get in touch