Monday, November 24, 2008


I received word Saturday night that filming on Lawson: White Heat concluded. Shooting is finished, editing is in the process. Triumph is on the horizon. 2 years we all worked on this. From the starting stages sitting in my old apartment living room with scripts doing walk through thinking we would be done filming a movie in a month or two until Saturday when the camera stopped recording for the last time we all have gotten support from family and friends, and a million questions asking when the movie is going to be finished. It is much appreciated to all of those who have been part of the movie, contributed, helped, acted, donated time, locations, or laughed at what clips and scenes have been filmed or shot. It means alot to us and we are anxious to get the finished product out there. We had a radio show interview tonight (see post below for the link) and it was just another aspect of the whole movie making process that was fun.
Note: Saturday's shoot was done in Egan's basement. Egan's house borders a football field, and when when the shoot was done, an announcement was made and the following video was recorded.

I also heard Terry Funk caught wind of the epic undertaking which was finishing shooting the movie. He was so proud and was telling every one "We did it...We did it kids, we did it!" Im sure theres video floating around out there.

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