Sunday, November 23, 2008

Take that, Axl!

Hello, friends!

As John said, we shot the last scene we needed to do yesterday. I was unfortunately at work for most of it, so I can't give you too many first hand details. But if it went as well as the rehearsals from the morning, then it is going to be a really good movie fight.

Not only is it very exciting that we have no more scenes to shoot (barring any additions or reshoots we deem necessary), we finished one day prior to the release of Chinese Democracy. The jokes and comparisons have been made over the past couple of years since our movie has been taking forever. But whatever. We at least finished shooting before Chinese Democracy came out. And since that mythic monster actually came out, it should be reassuring to you, the Lawson-fan, that our movie will be ready for a viewing someday soon!

In other news, at 11:00 o'clock tonight some of us will be interviewed on a web radio show. Check it out live at this site:

or check out MJ's myspace page where the shows are posted:

I'm sure we'll cover any number of topics about our movie and the show may accept call-in questions (though I'm not 100% sure of that), so get your questions ready. We want to hear from you guys. Or at least listen and be there in spirit. It should be fun.

Thanks for reading and please check us out tonight on MJ's radio show.


Today's Lawson Fun Fact: Lawson will get his free Dr. Pepper today. Thanks, Axl!

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