Thursday, May 28, 2009

Deleted Scenes


Thanks to everybody who turned out for the premiere last Friday. I hope you all had fun. So far I haven't heard a bad review. Except for one guy whose response to my query on his opinion said, and I quote, "Yeah, I didn't mind it." How lukewarm. I would have preferred a heated thrashing of the movie than such a "blah" response. Then again, I guess if someone didn't like it, they probably aren't going to tell us.

So for those of you who did enjoy the movie and are thirsting for further Lawson carnage, we present to you two Deleted Scenes!

There might be a few more deleted scenes coming soon. If not, you'll have to wait for the awesome DVD! Coming Soon!

Thanks for reading and checking out the scenes!


TODAY'S LAWSON FUN FACT: Although we haven't got the final figures yet, it's estimated that more than 300 people turned out for the premiere Lawson: White Heat!

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