We had the big premiere on Friday. Moved from the 217 seater to the 440 seater. When we first heard it was a little overwhelming. The night of, it was awesome! We had over 300 people. Not sure the exact number, but it was a great turn out all things considered. I didn't expect a 440 to be filled, especially for a midnight showing, but 300+ people is pretty damn good.
There were a few parts in the movie where the audio crapped out. It bugged the shit out of me. Literally I was squirming in my chair, wondering what the hell was wrong. I had thought I fixed the majority of the stuff on the computer. It sounded fine on the TV when I prewatched, and in the headphones when I was touching up. Finally when a couple of things that had never given an issue were beyond quiet or unheard at all, I realized I did all I could, just the audio hookup wasn't playing a channel. So anything that had sound balanced on the second channel, would either be really quiet, or in the case of a couple voice over FX, not heard at all. Needless to say, I was really upset about it, but after the first ten or so minutes, it basically balanced itself out and everything went pretty smoothly after that.
Nothing but positive reviews from people. I was pumped, the other guys were pumped, passed out some raffle prizes to all the asians that won. I was in turn able to work on my stand up routine making jokes about it. Good times had by all!
Waiting to get some more screenings going asap. Working on the DVD. Just posted a couple deleted scenes on the lawson youtube page. What else is going on? Film Festivals. Should start hearing from some of them in the coming weeks hopefully. Can't wait to get the stamp of disapproval! Riveting!
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1 comment:
Cant wait to see the movie, but unfortuantly I will have to wait to but the dvd...hope that comes soon! Also, will there be a sequel? Hope so, cause even with out seeing this one, I know I will be looking forward to one. Just dont take so long to make one next time. Lol. Cant wait.
Signed, Crazy7039
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