Thursday, November 30, 2006

Very Exciting

As Tommy posted, the meeting last night was excellent, with so many laughs and funny things that will be taking place in the movie. We have so many good ideas, so its going to be great to see this all unfold on the screen when the movie is done.

We scheduled a bunch of shit for the next 2-3 weeks which is great news. We are hoping that at the end of December, the actual movie part is finished as far as shooting goes, then we want to take the month of January to shoot the ending three sequences. So if anybody has access or knows of somebody with warehouse space, please get in touch ASAP. otherwise we will browse craigslist and rent a space for it. Bottom line, once we get the next few weeks worth of shooting, which in reality is about 4 or 5 days worth, we are going to be pretty far into the movie.

I cant wait for this to be finished so people can see it and not wonder what we've all been shitting our pants over. So good

The Greatest Movie of All Time

As I'm sure you all know, Lawson: White Heat will be the greatest movie ever made. I get more excited about it all the time. Lawson-related enthusiasm should grow exponentially in all of us as human beings in order to make the world a better place.

We had a good meeting tonight. Egan and Kyle ran through a scene we will be filming over the weekend. It was the kind of rehearsal that had me in tears with laughter, proving the extreme importance of rehearsing scenes before hand. Hopefully we are now prepared for the funny parts and I won't ruin the shots with my giggles or by "remy-ing." For those of you who are new to our movies, we generally used to grab a camera and shoot a movie, making up our plot as we shot it. It made for fun spontaneous shorts, but now we are underway on a full fledged production.

Tonight's rehearsal provided a great look at how the scene will unfold off of the written page (which by the way is our first movie filming from an actual script). Doing the scene several times obviously helps the performance but it also provides the rest of us to come up with new ideas and interpretations. We tweaked little elements of the scene. It still plays out as in the script but is now a "Mike Egan Tour de Force." What was once a standard plot moving set piece is now capable of being a very strong and hilarious introduction to our lead characters, Officer Hathaway and Chief Coffeestache. Can't wait to see it.

Also this weekend will be our first overnight shoot. We have filmed into the early morning hours, but never have we filmed late night and then again at dawn. The night scene should be great and it will mark our first use of blood so far. But don't be worried that we have been shooting for so long without any blood. For every drop of blood in this scene there will be at least one gallon of plasma in later scenes. I have been excited to see this scene since I first read the script so it will be a lot of fun to watch it come to life. Then when the sun rises we shoot the Egan and Kyle scene. I hope we are all awake enough to help make it as good and energenic as it was tonight. We might have to dip into the Chief's coffee supply. Don't tell him.

One more exciting bit of news: According to my sources (, "The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute, and the British Film Institute all define a feature as a film with a running time of 40 minutes or longer." That means that Lawson: White Heat will most likely reach official feature length status. We are aiming for an hour or longer but there is chance it will be closer to forty or fifty minutes.

I want to keep rambling about the movie but I'll spare you. Just know this: it will be awesome. Or as John said, "Lawsome."

Lawson can tear a phone book in half with his bare hands. But if he wanted to, he could track down every person listed in it and tear them in half too.

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More Behind the Scenes

Here's another handful of production stills.

egan explains how he will yell
tommy shows egan how to slap a man
kyle cant stay in character because of a drunk girl crying
doing the john koziol
the egan skank
watching footage

Monday, November 27, 2006


Since this has been quiet for a week, I figure I will clue people (all three of you) on what has been going on.

The holiday weekend threw a wrench into a scheduled shoot that was to take place. There were a few small things planned, but they were scratched as people were doing things with family, and a general lack of planning. So it is a weekend lost on the movie, but HOPEFULLY, the upcoming weekend saves that.

We have a very important shoot scheduled for this weekend. I am crossing my fingers that the people we need, will come through for the movie, otherwise, maybe we will have to find other people?? I am not really sure. Bottom line is, we have been very very lucky that the weather is still decently warm, but we haven't taken advantage of that fact, considering we have 2 more outdoor scenes we need to do, and the one upcoming is overnight. Hopefully our luck will continue and we get at least a warm night on Saturday. For anybody keeping track, keep your fingers crossed that the people we need are able to come through for this shoot.

Back mid week with an update from the meeting.


P.S. once I am through with school, I will be able to put a lot more work into updating this thing with John as far as blooper videos go and shit like that. I also found a digital camera over the weekend, so we can have still shots uploaded from the shoots easier than what we do now which is take screen shots from the video tape. See ya

Monday, November 20, 2006

What a night

We shot our first scene with Lawson tonight. It went much better than I was expecting, not to sound like a downer. But we started setting up about 8:30 ish, and it is now 3:13 in the morning as I am finally home, and about to go to sleep for a few hours before I have to head back to real life and go to work. Bogus.

All I want to do is work on the movie. As messy, and cloudy as the shoot got, it was still all I want to do. All I think about is the movie, when its going to be finished, what we need to do, what are we going to do at the premier (which is going to be amazing if all the stuff we want to do happens).

This is the biggest video/movie project any of us have ever been a part of. Although there are going to be some inconsistencies and small things that could've been done better, this is still going to be a pretty solid piece of work from all of us. Especially since we are a bunch of nobodies, with no money, no real experience, and just a want for having fun, and showing how stupid our sense of humor is. When this is finished at the end of the winter, early spring, you better get your ass there and have a good time with us. I know we all will when we pull up wearing tuxedos in a limo. HAHAAAAAA!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


This weekend began with a lot of promise. We were supposed to shoot an added scene to the script on Friday night, and it would have involved the most characters in a scene yet, but unfortunately, one of the main people needed got called into work, so we wouldn't have been able to start till almost midnight. Usually this isnt a problem, but where we were supposed to shoot it, we had a time constraint and wanted to be finished by midnight so as to not disturb the lady down stairs. Thankfully, it is an indoor shoot, so pretty much on any given night when everybody is available, we can go take care of it. So long as we get all of our outdoor sequences finished by mid December, I think things are going to be fine.

School is finished for the few of us in there, in mid December. This will free up plenty of weeknight time if needed, so we will be able to get much more finished than what we've been limited to now due to scheduling. I cant wait until we are able to breeze through some of the stuff, because right now we are still a fair amount of time away from being finished.

Be on the lookout shortly, because tonight we are working on the teaser trailer which has the possibilitiy to come out pretty cool, so long as we dont try to over do it or over estimate what we are capable of doing. It should be funny, hopefully


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

By popular demand

More of Barry's ass
more of barry's ass

Monday, November 13, 2006

Behind the scenes

We had our first really stressful shoot this weekend. Luckily it was bookended by two hilarious scenes that were fun to shoot. Here's a couple pictures of us being silly on set.

The guysMore guysBarry's ass

Sunday, November 12, 2006

So tired

So last night, being Saturday, as was already stated, we had a late night shoot. It started out so sweet as we shot a really funny scene (in my opinion anyways) for a small part of the movie, which we dont want to give away because its pretty damn good and we can leave it as a surprise so to speak. Anyways, during shooting, a couple of friends from work called me in hopes of possibly coming by to watch us in action as far as making the movie goes. I thought that was sweet, but had to tell em it was a bad night, because we werent doing anything too exciting as far as warranting coming to watch. Once we are doing some really good shit, they will be more than welcome though.

Anyhow, after that, we headed out to scope an area for a pretty important part of the movie. This is one of those situations where you learn through experience, how to and how not to prepare for something. We went into the nights shoot with a basic idea of what we needed, but we didnt have anything planned, mapped out, or a shot list. So what in theory could have taken an hour, took close to three. I think we got what we needed, it was just one of those tedious location shoots that takes forever, and since there was no dialogue or funny happenings, people got tired, and fast. As Tommy said, we started taking group pictures of us on location, with our thumbs up and being stupid, and I showed my ass again.

After the nights shoot, Egan, Koziol and myself headed to the 24 hour McDonalds in Quincy, where the car in front of us had a dude puking out the side door, and Egan paying 11 dollars for a value meal and a drink. Sucker.

This morning, we were supposed to meet at 10 again, but since last night went longer than anticipated, we gave ourselves an extra half hour. The shitty thing about today though, is we were supposed to get some driving shots, and neighborhood exteriors for a part for a scene we've completed, but it was pouring out, and we need a dry, sunny landscape. The morning wasnt for nothing though, as we got another important, albeit brief series of shots taken care of, and everyone said it was pretty funny, so I'll take that as a good weekend of shooting.

All in all, a pretty good weekend, although missing the part we scheduled to do sets us back about 20 years. Busy weekend next week too, hopefully nothing has to get canceled because we still havent heard from one of the people we need there. Meeting Wednesday to finalize some more shit, and more updates later.


Late Nights, Early Mornings

It has been mentioned on this site before that we are night owls, not early birds. But what happens when you try to be both in the same weekend? We'll find out in a few hours. We filmed in Quincy until after 3 AM and it was productive, though a little confusing, and we meet again at 10 AM for some more shooting. The positives about tonight's shoot were interesting locations, a brief but very funny scene completed (which includes a solid gold line from the Chief), general good times, and Kyle's hat. There are more but I forget. The only negative I found was some confusion about the general structure of the scene we were shooting. Sometimes you take for granted how fluid a movie can be from shot to shot and you don't realize how much thought has to go into every camera angle to have the outcome make sense. Although I describe it as a negative I also acknowledge it as a learning experience and every step we take is hopefully a step forward.

One of the "positives" that I forgot a minute ago was when (and keep in mind I am really tired, so this might not ACTUALLY be funny but . . .) we were posing for a picture and John told everyone to say "LAWSON." And then we all said "LAWSON" awkwardly. And I believe there were fists pumped in the air for that as well. I don't know. I'm laughing. Shut up.

Even though I'll be tired I am actually looking forward to getting up in a few hours and going to shoot more stuff for the movie. And I can't really complain since I could be in bed right now instead of typing a bland story about posing for a picture. But I can't sleep so I signed on here to update all you Lawson-holics and Coffeestache-addicts.

If you put your money on the bear in a BEAR vs LAWSON fight I would call you a moron. Why don't you just throw your money away, idiot!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, November 11, 2006

First steps on music

I had a chance to listen to some music that Tommy's been working on for a theme this morning, and it's coming along nicely.

We tend to concentrate on bigtime or mid-range milestone accomplishments around here, but I must say that I get very excited by all these small scale steps forward. Every scene that is closer to being written, storyboarded, rehearsed, or walked through is one centimeter closer to our goal of a finished movie. Every musical note written, every idea for framing a shot and every casting decision we make gets us steps closer to completing this, and showing it to our friends and the world. It's great to feel like there is constant forward momentum, and that all of the major players on the movie are thinking about shots, thinking about their characters, thinking about music and thinking about what post work needs to be done once we finish shooting. We're all becoming a little obsessed, and i think that will be a good thing.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Great Meeting

As Barry said, the meeting went very well. We didn't have a scene on the table to practice, so we really sat down and talked about the state of the movie. I will be posting what we have planned for the next couple of weeks on the Google Calender, and you guys can check it out. We are going to need some extras fairly soon, hopefully we will get some people to step up and help us out. The cast has finally come together, we really went over who is in what scene tonight, and it was the first time I felt that our cast was complete. Minus extras, we have people to fill every major role and they are confirmed. I think the big couple of things were adding Glenda to the cast, and finalizing the rest of Badi's posse, as well as another major role for the opening scene.

I really can't wait for the next couple weeks, it is going to very fun, yet very interesting. Hopefully, everything will come together and we stay on track with out planning. We are doing alot of stuff over the course of four weeks. We have done 3 days of shooting over four weeks, over the next four weeks we have about 7 days planned, so we are really coming together, and getting things on track.

Abdi started up a facebook group this week, if you are on facebook, I highly suggest that you join. Lawson: White Heat Fan Club

It seems that everyone is VERY pumped for the movie, I know I am. In four week, I hope to be saying we are 30%+ done with the movie, but we will see.

So much to do

We had a very productive meeting tonight on the movie. Initially, just by glancing through the script and seeing that we've knocked out a fair amount of the dialogue heavy scenes and everything, I figured we were probably 25 percent done with the actual principal photography on the movie. After lining up all the scenes on index cards and seeing all the shit we still have to do, boy was I dead wrong.

There is still plenty of work to do on the movie, not that its a bad thing at all. It just seemed like we were breezing through because we've got some pretty good shit done already. What we failed to take into account is all of the shit that relies more on visuals, and having more people involved in the scenes. Starting shortly, we are going to be working with plenty more people on the movie, and our cast of people involved is so diverse, its really awesome.

I am extremely pumped about the whole thing, but I am just dissapointed that we cant just bang it all out. As I have stated already, I am so impatient, and really wish I could take three weeks or a month off from work, along with the other 8 or so integral people involved, and just breeze through the entire thing and have it in the theatre we're renting in January. As Egan said though, at least we are going to have a fun couple of months ahead of us.

Exciting shit going on as far as what we are shooting coming up too. We are doing our first shoot with Lawson, so we get to see Tommy in action as the main hero, albeit briefly for the part we are taping. Its gonna be really good though, and hopefully pretty impactful. The footage we get from that shoot next weekend, in actuality can possibly be a teaser trailer if we all decide it looks good enough. We will see

Sunday, November 05, 2006

random thoughts about the day's shoot

Yo. I'll try not to rehash what's already been said, but please forgive me if I do. I just want to throw a few of my thoughts about today out there.

-I'm very pleased and excited with all the progress on the movie.

-Abdi really nailed the character today. Badi is going to be a great villain. Abdi seemed very comfortable and was able to deliver both humor and intimidation when each was needed.

-As tends to be the case with anything we film, there was plenty of humor injected into the scene today. How much makes it to the final cut and how much ends up on a blooper reel is to be determined. Good stuff.

-Finally casting the lead girl character was a relief, but what was even more of a relief was the genuine enthusiasm she brought to the shoot. I was expecting us (being the ladies' men that we are) having to drag an unwilling participant kicking and screaming onto camera just to play the role. Luckily that wasn't the case and Glenda was really good.

-I woke to the sound of a buzzing clock at 8:30 AM, and aside from my initial confusion as to why the hell I had set my alarm for such an ungodly hour, I actually got out of bed and into the shower, fueled by excitement. Trust me. That's a big deal. I can't even get up early on Christmas morning anymore. So I guess the moral is that "LAWSON > presents + breakfast."

-Hopefully there will be a Lawson theme song on the horizon.

-If movies don't work out for Barry, he has a promising career as a bum

-There is a brief shot that was filmed today that is tied (so far) for my favorite in the movie. First of my favorites is the low angled close-up of Chief Coffeestache giving Reese hell that we had filmed a couple of weeks ago. The new contender that entered the ranks today was of Badi behind the wheel of his Mustang looking absolutely disgusted as he was backing out of the scene. If they handed out Oscars for "extremely brief reaction shots that probably aren't as entertaining to anyone else as they are to me," then I would hope it went to him.

That's about it from me. I'll close by saying that we stopped filming at about quarter past one this afternoon. It is now after ten and I have been thinking about the movie all day while at work. Hopefully this enthusiasm is contagious enough to get some of you guys into a theater or in front of a TV by the time the movie is finished. Lawson eats tanks for breakfast.

Thanks for reading.


The Alley Way

As John already said, we got started early this morning, since Abdi had to be at work at 12. I got up at the ass crack of dawn, or 8 am on a Sunday morning, which was earlier than I've been up on a weekend in who knows how long. So I went with Alicia to Braintree, because we had to pick up her uncles sweet ass red Mustang for the movie. He was completely cool with us using it, because we needed a sweet ride for Badi, as opposed to this rich and powerful drug dealer showing up in a shitbox. It worked out pretty damn good, and Abdi looked like a pimp ass gangsta in the car.

We wound up trying to set the shoot up for 10am, so I got there at 9:58, and Abdi was there ready to go. Kyle showed up next, followed by John, Tommy, and Egan, and by about 10:45, Abdi put in his sweet white contact lens we got, and he looked like a bad ass prick. I got into bum regalia, because I am double dipping in the movie and playing two parts, and the shoot was on. This was the first, and probably only time as far as I can think that we will need a stand in for anybody, so Tommy was RapMaster Reese from behind for a couple shots.

I dont wanna give away too much of that scene or anything, but it was pretty fun, and Glenda from work was able to make it, so we FINALLY have our girl in the movie. The couple people not in the scene but who came to help and watch said things went off pretty well, so I will take their opinion on it, because I am a real negative Nancy and always think I sucked or am worried we didnt get enough footage. Bottom line, we all had fun, we got the footage, and what I think were some pretty good bloopers too today.

We were a little behind on schedule so a small sequence we were going to shoot got scrapped, mainly because Abdi was already an hour and a half late for work, and Egan had to go to Ikea to buy shit for his new place. Thankfully, we were shooting right behind CVS so Abdi was right there, and they knew he was there and were cool about it. All in all, a very productive shooting day, as have been all of them thus far, minus the special effects test shoot.

Updates later on what comes next.

Movie Stills #2

Here's a bunch of screen caps, I tried to get them up as quickly as possibly after today's shoot.
Reese and BadiBadi and ReeseRapmaster ReeseBadi and his GirlBadmaster Badi

Another Sunday Shoot

As the days get shorter and colder, we're trying to wrap up as much outdoor shooting as possible. Today we had an extremely early shoot for us, at 10 am, in order to take advantage of as much light as possible. (shooting over night from 8pm-4am has never been a problem, but try getting any of us up before noon to be productive, and watch out!) With that said, we had another fantastic shoot. Abdi and Glenda both made their first appearances. I was once again amazed at how when people get in costume, on set, they magically know their lines and their characters better than they had during weeks of preparation.

Overall, we got some great shots at another colorful location, and I couldn't be happier with the way the movie is progressing.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Good to see we are getting some actual stuff to look at on here. High fives for John Koziol on that one. I am pretty excited about the prospects of the movie. We still have a little while to go on it, and the gun fight sequence we are going to be doing is going to take a little while to finish. It will be well worth it though.

After watching the out take video, RapMaster Reese is still the most obnoxious guy I ever have to be. Hopefully when people see the movie, they aren't completely turned off and want to blow their brains out because of the high pitched shitty voice. Some people think hes so loveable, I am one of them, but I also get the fact that any high pitched whiney voice can be really irritating, (see Chris Tucker in any movie he is in)

Either way, finally shooting a scene with Abdi this weekend. We are getting most of the dialogue heavy scenes out of the way first, and worrying about the action scenes and stuff with guns and everything later.

I wish somebody would give us like 2 or 3 thousand dollars so we can all take a month off from work and still have money to pay our bills. Then we can just breeze through the movie and it'd be done in a month and a half or so. I suppose all the hard work and time going into it will make the finished product that much sweeter for all of us making it, but I am just so impatient, I wanna be done now.

Outtakes #1

Here's a rough collection of outtakes from our first couple shoots. There hasn't been any color correction done to the footage, the audio is a little rough and it's basically just four and a half minutes of us having fun while getting through ten pages of the script. enjoy!