As Barry said, the meeting went very well. We didn't have a scene on the table to practice, so we really sat down and talked about the state of the movie. I will be posting what we have planned for the next couple of weeks on the Google Calender, and you guys can check it out. We are going to need some extras fairly soon, hopefully we will get some people to step up and help us out. The cast has finally come together, we really went over who is in what scene tonight, and it was the first time I felt that our cast was complete. Minus extras, we have people to fill every major role and they are confirmed. I think the big couple of things were adding Glenda to the cast, and finalizing the rest of Badi's posse, as well as another major role for the opening scene.
I really can't wait for the next couple weeks, it is going to very fun, yet very interesting. Hopefully, everything will come together and we stay on track with out planning. We are doing alot of stuff over the course of four weeks. We have done 3 days of shooting over four weeks, over the next four weeks we have about 7 days planned, so we are really coming together, and getting things on track.
Abdi started up a facebook group this week, if you are on facebook, I highly suggest that you join. Lawson: White Heat Fan Club
It seems that everyone is VERY pumped for the movie, I know I am. In four week, I hope to be saying we are 30%+ done with the movie, but we will see.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
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