Thursday, November 09, 2006

So much to do

We had a very productive meeting tonight on the movie. Initially, just by glancing through the script and seeing that we've knocked out a fair amount of the dialogue heavy scenes and everything, I figured we were probably 25 percent done with the actual principal photography on the movie. After lining up all the scenes on index cards and seeing all the shit we still have to do, boy was I dead wrong.

There is still plenty of work to do on the movie, not that its a bad thing at all. It just seemed like we were breezing through because we've got some pretty good shit done already. What we failed to take into account is all of the shit that relies more on visuals, and having more people involved in the scenes. Starting shortly, we are going to be working with plenty more people on the movie, and our cast of people involved is so diverse, its really awesome.

I am extremely pumped about the whole thing, but I am just dissapointed that we cant just bang it all out. As I have stated already, I am so impatient, and really wish I could take three weeks or a month off from work, along with the other 8 or so integral people involved, and just breeze through the entire thing and have it in the theatre we're renting in January. As Egan said though, at least we are going to have a fun couple of months ahead of us.

Exciting shit going on as far as what we are shooting coming up too. We are doing our first shoot with Lawson, so we get to see Tommy in action as the main hero, albeit briefly for the part we are taping. Its gonna be really good though, and hopefully pretty impactful. The footage we get from that shoot next weekend, in actuality can possibly be a teaser trailer if we all decide it looks good enough. We will see

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