Sunday, November 12, 2006

Late Nights, Early Mornings

It has been mentioned on this site before that we are night owls, not early birds. But what happens when you try to be both in the same weekend? We'll find out in a few hours. We filmed in Quincy until after 3 AM and it was productive, though a little confusing, and we meet again at 10 AM for some more shooting. The positives about tonight's shoot were interesting locations, a brief but very funny scene completed (which includes a solid gold line from the Chief), general good times, and Kyle's hat. There are more but I forget. The only negative I found was some confusion about the general structure of the scene we were shooting. Sometimes you take for granted how fluid a movie can be from shot to shot and you don't realize how much thought has to go into every camera angle to have the outcome make sense. Although I describe it as a negative I also acknowledge it as a learning experience and every step we take is hopefully a step forward.

One of the "positives" that I forgot a minute ago was when (and keep in mind I am really tired, so this might not ACTUALLY be funny but . . .) we were posing for a picture and John told everyone to say "LAWSON." And then we all said "LAWSON" awkwardly. And I believe there were fists pumped in the air for that as well. I don't know. I'm laughing. Shut up.

Even though I'll be tired I am actually looking forward to getting up in a few hours and going to shoot more stuff for the movie. And I can't really complain since I could be in bed right now instead of typing a bland story about posing for a picture. But I can't sleep so I signed on here to update all you Lawson-holics and Coffeestache-addicts.

If you put your money on the bear in a BEAR vs LAWSON fight I would call you a moron. Why don't you just throw your money away, idiot!

Thanks for reading!


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