Sunday, November 05, 2006

Movie Stills #2

Here's a bunch of screen caps, I tried to get them up as quickly as possibly after today's shoot.
Reese and BadiBadi and ReeseRapmaster ReeseBadi and his GirlBadmaster Badi


Barry said...

nice! those are sweet. for some horrible reason, I was hoping for some ass crack screen shots from the bum

John Koziol said...

I think that the buttcrack shot may be the only shot that didn't come out from today. I'll try to tweak the levels so that we can see it; but on first glance your blindingly white ass obscures the crack.

Barry said...

haha, sweet. we might be able to layer over that specific section of footage, and have my ass darkened. otherwise, ah well. no free peep shows for anybody