As I'm sure you all know, Lawson: White Heat will be the greatest movie ever made. I get more excited about it all the time. Lawson-related enthusiasm should grow exponentially in all of us as human beings in order to make the world a better place.
We had a good meeting tonight. Egan and Kyle ran through a scene we will be filming over the weekend. It was the kind of rehearsal that had me in tears with laughter, proving the extreme importance of rehearsing scenes before hand. Hopefully we are now prepared for the funny parts and I won't ruin the shots with my giggles or by "remy-ing." For those of you who are new to our movies, we generally used to grab a camera and shoot a movie, making up our plot as we shot it. It made for fun spontaneous shorts, but now we are underway on a full fledged production.
Tonight's rehearsal provided a great look at how the scene will unfold off of the written page (which by the way is our first movie filming from an actual script). Doing the scene several times obviously helps the performance but it also provides the rest of us to come up with new ideas and interpretations. We tweaked little elements of the scene. It still plays out as in the script but is now a "Mike Egan Tour de Force." What was once a standard plot moving set piece is now capable of being a very strong and hilarious introduction to our lead characters, Officer Hathaway and Chief Coffeestache. Can't wait to see it.
Also this weekend will be our first overnight shoot. We have filmed into the early morning hours, but never have we filmed late night and then again at dawn. The night scene should be great and it will mark our first use of blood so far. But don't be worried that we have been shooting for so long without any blood. For every drop of blood in this scene there will be at least one gallon of plasma in later scenes. I have been excited to see this scene since I first read the script so it will be a lot of fun to watch it come to life. Then when the sun rises we shoot the Egan and Kyle scene. I hope we are all awake enough to help make it as good and energenic as it was tonight. We might have to dip into the Chief's coffee supply. Don't tell him.
One more exciting bit of news: According to my sources (, "The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute, and the British Film Institute all define a feature as a film with a running time of 40 minutes or longer." That means that Lawson: White Heat will most likely reach official feature length status. We are aiming for an hour or longer but there is chance it will be closer to forty or fifty minutes.
I want to keep rambling about the movie but I'll spare you. Just know this: it will be awesome. Or as John said, "Lawsome."
Lawson can tear a phone book in half with his bare hands. But if he wanted to, he could track down every person listed in it and tear them in half too.
Thanks for reading!
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"Mike Egan Tour De Force"
This will be the longest shooting ever, No one will be able to keep a straight face/quiet
hey barry, is there any way you can grab a still from that cameraphone footage you shot at rehearsal and post it? I think just a still of that scene will crack me up.
i could look, im not positive
I realized that I missed the opportunity for a really bad pun in this post. When I mentioned we might end up dipping into "the chief's coffee supply" in order to stay awake, what I should have said was that we might be dipping into "the chief's coffee stash."
chief's . . . coffee . . . stash . . .
. . . his name is Chief Coffeestache. . .
I'm retarded.
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