Sunday, November 05, 2006

random thoughts about the day's shoot

Yo. I'll try not to rehash what's already been said, but please forgive me if I do. I just want to throw a few of my thoughts about today out there.

-I'm very pleased and excited with all the progress on the movie.

-Abdi really nailed the character today. Badi is going to be a great villain. Abdi seemed very comfortable and was able to deliver both humor and intimidation when each was needed.

-As tends to be the case with anything we film, there was plenty of humor injected into the scene today. How much makes it to the final cut and how much ends up on a blooper reel is to be determined. Good stuff.

-Finally casting the lead girl character was a relief, but what was even more of a relief was the genuine enthusiasm she brought to the shoot. I was expecting us (being the ladies' men that we are) having to drag an unwilling participant kicking and screaming onto camera just to play the role. Luckily that wasn't the case and Glenda was really good.

-I woke to the sound of a buzzing clock at 8:30 AM, and aside from my initial confusion as to why the hell I had set my alarm for such an ungodly hour, I actually got out of bed and into the shower, fueled by excitement. Trust me. That's a big deal. I can't even get up early on Christmas morning anymore. So I guess the moral is that "LAWSON > presents + breakfast."

-Hopefully there will be a Lawson theme song on the horizon.

-If movies don't work out for Barry, he has a promising career as a bum

-There is a brief shot that was filmed today that is tied (so far) for my favorite in the movie. First of my favorites is the low angled close-up of Chief Coffeestache giving Reese hell that we had filmed a couple of weeks ago. The new contender that entered the ranks today was of Badi behind the wheel of his Mustang looking absolutely disgusted as he was backing out of the scene. If they handed out Oscars for "extremely brief reaction shots that probably aren't as entertaining to anyone else as they are to me," then I would hope it went to him.

That's about it from me. I'll close by saying that we stopped filming at about quarter past one this afternoon. It is now after ten and I have been thinking about the movie all day while at work. Hopefully this enthusiasm is contagious enough to get some of you guys into a theater or in front of a TV by the time the movie is finished. Lawson eats tanks for breakfast.

Thanks for reading.



Barry said...

I will probably wind up being a bum to be honest. So long as I have an actual pair of shoes, and not just a boot. My foot was freezing.

But for real, I am pretty excited about the movie, but theres still so much more shit we gotta do

John Koziol said...

Now I really want a t-shirt that says "LAWSON > presents + breakfast."