Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Good to see we are getting some actual stuff to look at on here. High fives for John Koziol on that one. I am pretty excited about the prospects of the movie. We still have a little while to go on it, and the gun fight sequence we are going to be doing is going to take a little while to finish. It will be well worth it though.

After watching the out take video, RapMaster Reese is still the most obnoxious guy I ever have to be. Hopefully when people see the movie, they aren't completely turned off and want to blow their brains out because of the high pitched shitty voice. Some people think hes so loveable, I am one of them, but I also get the fact that any high pitched whiney voice can be really irritating, (see Chris Tucker in any movie he is in)

Either way, finally shooting a scene with Abdi this weekend. We are getting most of the dialogue heavy scenes out of the way first, and worrying about the action scenes and stuff with guns and everything later.

I wish somebody would give us like 2 or 3 thousand dollars so we can all take a month off from work and still have money to pay our bills. Then we can just breeze through the movie and it'd be done in a month and a half or so. I suppose all the hard work and time going into it will make the finished product that much sweeter for all of us making it, but I am just so impatient, I wanna be done now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you are the only who thinks reese is annoying, everyone else just takes him for what he is, personally, I think Reese is the dude.