Sunday, November 19, 2006


This weekend began with a lot of promise. We were supposed to shoot an added scene to the script on Friday night, and it would have involved the most characters in a scene yet, but unfortunately, one of the main people needed got called into work, so we wouldn't have been able to start till almost midnight. Usually this isnt a problem, but where we were supposed to shoot it, we had a time constraint and wanted to be finished by midnight so as to not disturb the lady down stairs. Thankfully, it is an indoor shoot, so pretty much on any given night when everybody is available, we can go take care of it. So long as we get all of our outdoor sequences finished by mid December, I think things are going to be fine.

School is finished for the few of us in there, in mid December. This will free up plenty of weeknight time if needed, so we will be able to get much more finished than what we've been limited to now due to scheduling. I cant wait until we are able to breeze through some of the stuff, because right now we are still a fair amount of time away from being finished.

Be on the lookout shortly, because tonight we are working on the teaser trailer which has the possibilitiy to come out pretty cool, so long as we dont try to over do it or over estimate what we are capable of doing. It should be funny, hopefully


1 comment:

John Koziol said...

Hahah, I think the reason this teaser will be so good will be our over reaching what we can do. It's gonna be L'awesome!